First page of the inquisitorial trial of Grácia (1540-1541). Lisbon, Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo. 

This project makes available a collection of archival materials hitherto untranslated into the English language. Each historical source illuminates aspects of lived conditions of enslaved people in Portugal during the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. 

Each source presented in this archive is associated with a site still haunted by the memory of slavery.

By juxtaposing each source with audio-visual materials which expose us to the condition of the sites today, we aim to establish a dialogue between past and present, between history and legacy.

Below, we present a full compilation of the sources transliterated, transcribed and translated into English for the purposes of this project.


Leonhard Thurneysser zum Thurn, Index and Description of Various Herbs, Shrubs and Fruits That Can Be Mostly Found in Portugal

Leonhard Thurneysser zum Thurn, Index and Description of Various Herbs, Shrubs andFruits That Can Be Mostly Found in Portugal

Privileges and liberties granted by King John III to the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Island of São Tomé, 9 July 1526

Privileges and liberties granted by King John III to the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Island of São Tomé, 9 July 1526