8. Rua do Poço dos Negros

Mapping Coordinates: 38.7147° N, 9.1388° W
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Status: Contested 

     The most widely accepted interpretation of the street name Rua do Poço dos Negros suggests it being because it was the site of a pit holding the bodies of enslaved people of African origin. The little that we do know with certainty is that King Manuel I issued a royal law in 1515 complaining about dead bodies of enslaved people being abandoned in a dump in this area of the city. In that law he also ordered the City Council to build a pit in which these bodies should be thrown. 

From the archives

Royal law ordering to build a pit for the dead bodies of enslaved people of African origin (1515)
We know that the slaves who die in that city [Lisbon], both those who belong to the dealers of Guinea and the others, are not properly buried in the places where they are thrown and are left on the ground in such a way that they remain uncovered, or entirely above the terrain, without any part of them being covered, and the dogs eat them. Most of these slaves are thrown in the dump next to the cross which is between the gate of Santa Catarina and Santos, as well as in other places around the fields near that area. Although you have taken action through fines, doing whatever is possible, things are not put right as they should be. Since it is very important that effective provisions are taken because of the contamination that would derive from the decay of those corpses, we think that the best remedy will be to make a pit, as deep as possible, in the place that will be most suitable and will pose as little problems as possible, in which the slaves could be thrown. Some quicklime should be poured in it from time to time so that the corpses will be consumed more quickly and contamination will be avoided, and a small wall of stone and lime should be built around the mouth of this pit. Whoever throws or makes someone else throw a slave into a place other than this pit, should pay a fine that you deem appropriate. We order you to deal with this issue immediately, determine what place will be more suitable for this pit, and establish how much the fine will be. You will write to us in detail about what you do in regard to this matter so that we may consider it and give you our answer. Written in Almeirim, 13 November 1515. 
(Letter of King Manuel I to the City Council of Lisbon, in Lisbon, Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, Livro 1° do Provimento da Saúde, doc. 43, fl. 51r) 

Nos ssomos certificado que os escravos que fallecem nesa cidade, asi dos tractadores da Guiné como outros, nam ssam bem ssoterados, como devem, nos lugares omde sam llamçados, e que se llançam sobre a terra em tall maneira que fiquam descubertos ou de todo ssobre a terra, sem cousa allguma delles se cobrir, e que os cães os comeem; e que a maior parte destes escravos se llançam no monturo, que está jumto da cruz que está no caminho que vai da Porta de Santa Catarina para Santos e asi tanbem em outros llugares pellas herdades dhi d’arredor. E que posto que nisso tenhães provido com pennas e provejães todo ho posivell, se nam remedea como deve. E por que isto convem de ser muito provido, por a coruçam que se segiria da podridam dos ditos corpos, comsiramos que ho milhor remedio sera fazer-se hum poço, o mais fumdo que podese ser, no llugar que fose mais comvinhavell e de menos imcomviniemte, no quall se llançasem os ditos escravos; e que fose llançado, de tenpo em tenpo no dito poço, allguma camtidade de call virgem, pera se milhor gastarem os corpos e se escusar o mais que posivell ffor a dita coruçam; e que a este poço fosse feito ao redor da boca hum cercuito de parede de pedra e call, e que qualquerque escravo llamçase ou mandase llançar em outro cabo, salvo no dito poço, pagase huma certa penna, qual vos parecese. Porem vos emcomendamos e mandamos que lloguo nisto emtendães e vejães o llugar que sera mais comviniente para o dito poço sse fazer, e ascentai a penna que se pohera, e todo o que niso fezerdes nos screvee conpridamente para o vermos, e averdes nossa resposta. E emcomendamos-vos que lloguo nisto entendães, por que ho avemos por cousa de muito noso serviço. Scripta em Allmeirim, a 13 dias de Novembro de 1515.
