From the archives

Chafariz d’El Rei

Enslaved people carrying heavy loads (1555-56)

…in Lisbon, in its squares and markets, they take upon themselves often the most unbelievable weights, and carry such large and heavy loads, that to say or to write about it would be seen as impossible to believe…

(Leonhard Thurneysser zum Thurn, Verzeichnus unnd Beschreibung etzlicher Kreütter, Stauden unnd Früchten, so fürnemlich inn Lusitania befunnden [Index and Description of Various Herbs, Shrubs and Fruits That Can Be Mostly Found in Portugal], in Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Ms. Germ. Fol. 97, trans. by Thomas Horst and Bernardo Jerosch Herold)

… zu Lysabon an gemeinenn Ortten oder Märckthen, offtmals unglaublich[e] Last auf sich nehmen, vnnd ein grosse schwere Burde tragenn, das sonnst zu sagen oder zu schreiben doch fast vngleüblich zu sein ansehen last…

Enslaved women carrying jugs and baskets (1552)

I tried to get the best information I could and found that 1,000 black women go around carrying [on their heads] jugs filled with water from the King’s Fountain and other parts. They earn 40 reis each. They pay 25 reis to their owners and the rest goes to them and their food, because they pay for their own lunch and have dinner in the house of their owners. And the profit of these enslaved women is 40,000 reis per day, which corresponds to 27,000 cruzados per year. 

There are 1,000 black women who carry [on their heads] jugs and wooden bowls, selling water all around the city.

Likewise, there are 1,000 black women who go around carrying [on their heads] a basket, and since they are of lower quality, I would say that they are worth 30 reis per day, which corresponds to 30,000 reis, and 20,250 cruzados per year, only considering the working days.

There are 1,000 black women who go around the city carrying [on their heads] a basket, and clean the city.

(João Brandão, Estátistica de Lisboa, in Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Fundo Geral, Cod. 679) 


Trabalhei por me informar o melhor que pude, e achei que andam ao pote, a carretar água do chafariz de V. Alteza e doutras partes, 1.000 negras. As quais ganham dois vinténs cada uma. Porque delas pagam a seus senhores um vintém, vinte e cinco rs; e o mais que ganham é para si e seu comer, porque de dia comem à sua custa e de noite em casa dos senhores. E vale por dia o ganho destas escravas quarenta mil rs, e por ano vinte e sete mil cruzados.

Tem 1000 negras que andam ao pote e quartas, vendendo água por toda a cidade.

Da mesma maneira andam 1.000 negras de canastra, e porque são de mais baixo espírito que as que andam à água, lhe dou a trinta rs por dia, que valem por dia trinta mil rs, e por ano, nos dias de trabalhos, vinte mil e duzentos e cinquenta cruzados.

Tem 1000 negras que andam pela cidade com canastra, alimpando a cidade.
