From the archives
A description of the Pelourinho Velho slave market (1552)
There is also a square where everything is sold at auction, which is called Pelourinho Velho. Many chattels that belong to the category of those which are usually auctioned are sold there by an auctioneer who calls out prices. Therefore this revenue is rented for 130,000 reis… And likewise many slaves are sold at auction, on whom the slave tax is paid. And linen fabric also with its tax; and gold and silver which are tax exempt… And with all these conditions I would say that the sales made in that place are worth 10,000 cruzados per year.
(João Brandão, Estátistica de Lisboa, in Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Fundo Geral, Cod. 679)
There is also a square where everything is sold at auction, which is called Pelourinho Velho. Many chattels that belong to the category of those which are usually auctioned are sold there by an auctioneer who calls out prices. Therefore this revenue is rented for 130,000 reis… And likewise many slaves are sold at auction, on whom the slave tax is paid. And linen fabric also with its tax; and gold and silver which are tax exempt… And with all these conditions I would say that the sales made in that place are worth 10,000 cruzados per year.
(João Brandão, Estátistica de Lisboa, in Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Fundo Geral, Cod. 679)
Também tem um chão, onde se vende tudo em almoeda, ao qual se nomeia por Pelourinho Velho, onde se vendem em pregão muitos móveis os quais pertencem ao ramo do pregão… E outrossim vendem muitos escravos em pregão, os quais pertencem à sisa dos escravos. E o pano de linho também à sisa dele; e oiro e prata que não paga sisa… E com todas estas condições afirmaria que vendem em cada um ano no dito lugar dez mil cruzados.
Também tem um chão, onde se vende tudo em almoeda, ao qual se nomeia por Pelourinho Velho, onde se vendem em pregão muitos móveis os quais pertencem ao ramo do pregão… E outrossim vendem muitos escravos em pregão, os quais pertencem à sisa dos escravos. E o pano de linho também à sisa dele; e oiro e prata que não paga sisa… E com todas estas condições afirmaria que vendem em cada um ano no dito lugar dez mil cruzados.
An eyewitness account of the Pelourinho Velho slave market (1555-56)
Of such moors or nigrites, however, every year, many of them are brought to Lisbon, which they succeed, either by request, or against goods and money, to take out from their countries. These are afterwards sold in Lisbon. The price or money paid for a youth, when sold or bought is most times about 20 or 18, for women, if virgins 12 crowns or ducats or even less. When they are about to be sold, they are first paraded throughout the city, and afterwards taken to and placed in RAINOBA [Rua Nova], the place where merchants meet. But all the time a preco or crier goes in front of them, who, with an explicit and clear voice indicates and announces the price, meaning the money, for which he shall be sold. Among the same, however, who are being walked about and offered for sale, there are plenty of men, women, youths and maids stark naked or nude, some of them, however, have their private parts covered, but are otherwise naked. The merchants feel or touch them everywhere, specially around the navel, which when sticking out of the belly, and if the belly is swollen or inflated, they do not buy them, because they believe that it is the symptom of a dangerous malady. Thus they also have to show their private parts or genitals and open them, stretch their feet, as well as to raise and lower their arms repeatedly, allowing them to evaluate and recognize their strength by lifting and lowering something (they also view their teeth, as one does with horses and steeds), which one intends to buy, handle their nipples and breasts, and also ask to how many children they have given birth, whereupon they report showing a number of fingers, as they were instructed before by their keepers [?] or salesmen. And they show two, three, four or five fingers, as they understood that they were asked how many children they had born so far. And mainly the women.
(Leonhard Thurneysser zum Thurn, Verzeichnus unnd Beschreibung etzlicher Kreütter, Stauden unnd Früchten, so fürnemlich inn Lusitania befunnden [Index and Description of Various Herbs, Shrubs and Fruits That Can Be Mostly Found in Portugal], in Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Ms. Germ. Fol. 97, trans. Thomas Horst and Bernardo Jerosch Herold)
Of such moors or nigrites, however, every year, many of them are brought to Lisbon, which they succeed, either by request, or against goods and money, to take out from their countries. These are afterwards sold in Lisbon. The price or money paid for a youth, when sold or bought is most times about 20 or 18, for women, if virgins 12 crowns or ducats or even less. When they are about to be sold, they are first paraded throughout the city, and afterwards taken to and placed in RAINOBA [Rua Nova], the place where merchants meet. But all the time a preco or crier goes in front of them, who, with an explicit and clear voice indicates and announces the price, meaning the money, for which he shall be sold. Among the same, however, who are being walked about and offered for sale, there are plenty of men, women, youths and maids stark naked or nude, some of them, however, have their private parts covered, but are otherwise naked. The merchants feel or touch them everywhere, specially around the navel, which when sticking out of the belly, and if the belly is swollen or inflated, they do not buy them, because they believe that it is the symptom of a dangerous malady. Thus they also have to show their private parts or genitals and open them, stretch their feet, as well as to raise and lower their arms repeatedly, allowing them to evaluate and recognize their strength by lifting and lowering something (they also view their teeth, as one does with horses and steeds), which one intends to buy, handle their nipples and breasts, and also ask to how many children they have given birth, whereupon they report showing a number of fingers, as they were instructed before by their keepers [?] or salesmen. And they show two, three, four or five fingers, as they understood that they were asked how many children they had born so far. And mainly the women.
(Leonhard Thurneysser zum Thurn, Verzeichnus unnd Beschreibung etzlicher Kreütter, Stauden unnd Früchten, so fürnemlich inn Lusitania befunnden [Index and Description of Various Herbs, Shrubs and Fruits That Can Be Mostly Found in Portugal], in Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Ms. Germ. Fol. 97, trans. Thomas Horst and Bernardo Jerosch Herold)
Es werdenn aber derselbigenn Moren oder Nigriten järlichen gar vil gegen Lysabon gebracht, wellche sie enndtweder durch Bitt, oder aber War vnnd Gellt auß ihren Lennderen weckhzufurren erlanngen. Dieselbigen werden darnach zu Lysabon verkaufft. Der Jungling precium oder Gellt, darumb sie ge-kaufft oder verkaufft werrden, ist gemeiniglich 20 od[er] 18, der Weiber aber Junckhfrawen 12 oder noch wol gerinnger Kronen od[er] Ducatenn. Wann sie sollen verkaufft werden, so werdenn sie erstlich doselbst herumb gefurrt, vnnd darnach in RAINOBA, an wellchem Ortt die Kauffleutte zusamen khumen, gefürrt vnd gestellet. Es geht aber fur inen all Zeit der preco oder Außrueffer vorher, wellcher mit außtricklicher vnnd heller Stimm das precium, das ist das Gellt, darumb er soll verkaufft werdenn, anzeigt, vmmd aufkundigst. Vnnder denselbigen aber, weil sie allso herumb gefürrt vnd zum Kauf gestellet werden, seindt etzliche Menner vnnd Weiber, Jungling vnd Jungfrawen gar mueter nackhet, oder blos, etzlich aber habendt die Scham bedeckht, vnnd seindt sunnst auch ganntz mueter nackhendt. Die Kaufleüt befüelen oder tasten sie allenhalben, vnnd sunderlich vmb den Nabel, wellcher, wann er inen ausserhalb dem Bauch heraussen steht, vnnd der Leib aufgedehnet oder aufgeblasen ist, so kauffenn sie sie nicht, dann sie dasselbige für ein Anzeigung einer geferlichen Krannckheit an inen hallten. So müessen sie inen auch die Scham oder Geburtsglider zeigen vnd offnen, ire Füesse außstreckhen wie dann auch die Arm auf vnnd nider vnnd hin vnd wider heben, darauß sie dann ire Sterckhe abnehmen vnd erkhennen lassen sie etwas auf und niedergehn (besehen inen auch die Zenenn, wie man den Pferden vnd Rossen thut) die man keüffen will, begreiffen ire Duttenn vnd Brüste, so fragen sie auch wievil Kinder daß sie gebohrnen haben, darauf sie dann an den Finger Zahl Bericht gebenn, wie sie vonn iren cauponibus oder Verkeüffferen zuvor gelehrt worden sein. Vnnd zeigen zwey, drey, vier od[er] fünff Finger, dorab sie wollen vernohmen haben wievil Kinder daß sie gebrachten werden haben. Vnnd sunnderlich die Weiber.
Es werdenn aber derselbigenn Moren oder Nigriten järlichen gar vil gegen Lysabon gebracht, wellche sie enndtweder durch Bitt, oder aber War vnnd Gellt auß ihren Lennderen weckhzufurren erlanngen. Dieselbigen werden darnach zu Lysabon verkaufft. Der Jungling precium oder Gellt, darumb sie ge-kaufft oder verkaufft werrden, ist gemeiniglich 20 od[er] 18, der Weiber aber Junckhfrawen 12 oder noch wol gerinnger Kronen od[er] Ducatenn. Wann sie sollen verkaufft werden, so werdenn sie erstlich doselbst herumb gefurrt, vnnd darnach in RAINOBA, an wellchem Ortt die Kauffleutte zusamen khumen, gefürrt vnd gestellet. Es geht aber fur inen all Zeit der preco oder Außrueffer vorher, wellcher mit außtricklicher vnnd heller Stimm das precium, das ist das Gellt, darumb er soll verkaufft werdenn, anzeigt, vmmd aufkundigst. Vnnder denselbigen aber, weil sie allso herumb gefürrt vnd zum Kauf gestellet werden, seindt etzliche Menner vnnd Weiber, Jungling vnd Jungfrawen gar mueter nackhet, oder blos, etzlich aber habendt die Scham bedeckht, vnnd seindt sunnst auch ganntz mueter nackhendt. Die Kaufleüt befüelen oder tasten sie allenhalben, vnnd sunderlich vmb den Nabel, wellcher, wann er inen ausserhalb dem Bauch heraussen steht, vnnd der Leib aufgedehnet oder aufgeblasen ist, so kauffenn sie sie nicht, dann sie dasselbige für ein Anzeigung einer geferlichen Krannckheit an inen hallten. So müessen sie inen auch die Scham oder Geburtsglider zeigen vnd offnen, ire Füesse außstreckhen wie dann auch die Arm auf vnnd nider vnnd hin vnd wider heben, darauß sie dann ire Sterckhe abnehmen vnd erkhennen lassen sie etwas auf und niedergehn (besehen inen auch die Zenenn, wie man den Pferden vnd Rossen thut) die man keüffen will, begreiffen ire Duttenn vnd Brüste, so fragen sie auch wievil Kinder daß sie gebohrnen haben, darauf sie dann an den Finger Zahl Bericht gebenn, wie sie vonn iren cauponibus oder Verkeüffferen zuvor gelehrt worden sein. Vnnd zeigen zwey, drey, vier od[er] fünff Finger, dorab sie wollen vernohmen haben wievil Kinder daß sie gebrachten werden haben. Vnnd sunnderlich die Weiber.
An appraisal of the slave market volume of Lisbon (1552)
I am going to write about slaves, which is something that scares people. Their quantity has increased so much during the past four years that slaves who used to be worth 15,000 reis, which was the best that came from Guinea, now are worth 45,000 to 50,000 reis. I say that the revenue is rented for 3,400,000 reis, which adding the ordinary expenses will be 4,000,000 reis, which is 10,000 cruzados. And paying 10 reis each, the total amount is 100,000 cruzados. Now I say that many are declared at the customs house, and many require expenditures that the parts cannot deny, including the fees that revenue holders charge in the valuations. Therefore I say that all this is worth another 100,000 cruzados, which means that overall the slaves who come to the city are worth 200,000 cruzados, which is spent there for their great value.
(João Brandão, Estátistica de Lisboa, in Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Fundo Geral, Cod. 679)
I am going to write about slaves, which is something that scares people. Their quantity has increased so much during the past four years that slaves who used to be worth 15,000 reis, which was the best that came from Guinea, now are worth 45,000 to 50,000 reis. I say that the revenue is rented for 3,400,000 reis, which adding the ordinary expenses will be 4,000,000 reis, which is 10,000 cruzados. And paying 10 reis each, the total amount is 100,000 cruzados. Now I say that many are declared at the customs house, and many require expenditures that the parts cannot deny, including the fees that revenue holders charge in the valuations. Therefore I say that all this is worth another 100,000 cruzados, which means that overall the slaves who come to the city are worth 200,000 cruzados, which is spent there for their great value.
(João Brandão, Estátistica de Lisboa, in Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Fundo Geral, Cod. 679)
Quero falar em escravos, que é coisa que mete medo aos homens, que subiram tanto em quantidade, de quatro anos a esta parte, que escravos que soía a valer quinze mil rs, que era o melhor que vinha da Guiné, afirmo valer agora quarenta e cinco mil rs, e cinquenta. Digo que a renda está arrendada por três contos e quatrocentos mil rs. E com as ordinárias, chegarão a quatro contos, o que são dez mil cruzados. Que, pagando de dez rs um, é a razão de cem mil cruzados. Ora afirmo que vêm muitos alealdados, e muitos que dão despesas às partes que se não podem negar, e de muitas honras que os rendeiros fazem nas avaliações. Por onde digo que valem outros cem mil cruzados, que valem ao tudo duzentos mil cruzados os escravos que vêm à dita cidade, e se nela gastam, pelas grandes valias que tem.
Quero falar em escravos, que é coisa que mete medo aos homens, que subiram tanto em quantidade, de quatro anos a esta parte, que escravos que soía a valer quinze mil rs, que era o melhor que vinha da Guiné, afirmo valer agora quarenta e cinco mil rs, e cinquenta. Digo que a renda está arrendada por três contos e quatrocentos mil rs. E com as ordinárias, chegarão a quatro contos, o que são dez mil cruzados. Que, pagando de dez rs um, é a razão de cem mil cruzados. Ora afirmo que vêm muitos alealdados, e muitos que dão despesas às partes que se não podem negar, e de muitas honras que os rendeiros fazem nas avaliações. Por onde digo que valem outros cem mil cruzados, que valem ao tudo duzentos mil cruzados os escravos que vêm à dita cidade, e se nela gastam, pelas grandes valias que tem.